Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chapter 59

Happy Monday!!! That's exciting to hear that 2 more mission calls have been received in our stake!!!  There are going to be so many missionaries soon that we might have to get villi to do a part 2 to his eagle project and build another missionary board hahaha.

We had a really good sacrament meeting here in the Shelton ward this week.  One of the speakers talked all about scripture study and the importance of it and how it draws us closer to our savior.  He even used part of my favorite conference talk, A Matter of a Few Degrees by Uchtdorf, in his talk to help explain how when we aren't reading our scriptures, we are starting to progress ever so slightly off the path and getting to that point of just a few degrees off of it, and like Uchtdorf's talk says a few degrees is all it takes sometimes.  But i also like the talk that you guys had in sacrament because service definitely is something that we should all be doing.  You know it's funny how much the mission changes you because i remember how before the mission whenever matt would try and get me to get up on saturday mornings to go and help someone move or clean the church building i never wanted to do it and would drag my feet at the idea, but now as a missionary we are always seeking for service opportunities and ways that we can help in the community and i enjoy doing service now XD.

So things this week were a little slower than usual unfortunately in ririe :(.  Over half of our appointments that we had planned for this week unfortunately had to reschedule on us, even some of our golden investigators that we have :(, but we still were able to have some really amazing lessons with the people we were able to meet with XD.  One of them that we did meet with this week is progressing along really well.  She is going to get baptized on March 2nd and she is super excited for it XD.  OH, so i had a pretty hilarious experience this week....I realized that i have officially adapted into an idahoian hahaha.  So it was saturday around mid-day and me and my companion were outside going to our car and i told him, "Man, it is really hot today!"  Well, when we get into our car i looked at what the temperature really is outside just to see how hot it was and it was only 39 hahahahaha XD.  So i have finally reached the day that i never thought would happen...i am getting hot at 39 hahaha.  It made me start to get worried about how hot i am going to think california is when i come home, even though it will be winter hahahaha XD. 

Well, that's all i have to write on this week so i am going to end this email here.  Peace out till next week and love you guys XD.

With love,
Elder ---chis--->

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